Blender Hotkeys
Carefully curated list of Blender hotkeys plus video instructions
Switch between object mode and edit mode
Press Tab
Change mode (edit mode, object mode, texture paint, etc.)
Hold Control + Tab
, then
( Num 2 or Num 4 or Num 6 or Num 7 or Num 8 or Num 9 )☝️
Switch between current mode and wireframe mode
Hold Shift
, then
Switch to wireframe mode
Hold Z
, then
Num 4☝️
Switch to solid mode
Press Z
, then
Num 6☝️
Switch to material preview mode
Press Z
, then
Num 2☝️
Switch to rendered mode
Press Z
, then
Num 8☝️
Switch to front orthographic
Num 1
Switch to right orthographic
Num 3
Switch to top orthographic
Num 7
Flip views
Num 9
Switch to perspective / orthographic
Num 5
Hide all but selected object
Select object
, then
Pan to selected object
Select object
, then
Num .☝️
Pan to all scene objects
, then
Shift + CSelection
Select all
Press A
Deselect all
Press A
x2 times
Invert selection
Press Ctrl + I
Select linked faces of a currently selected one
Select a face
, then
Select linked mesh
Move the mouse over a part of a mesh
, then
Select a loop of vertices
Select one vertex
, then
hold Alt, then
click on the vertex (or edge that comes out of that vertex) in the desired direction☝️
Select a ring of edges
Hold Ctrl + Alt
, then
click on an edge☝️
Select a loop of faces
Hold Alt
, then
click on a face☝️
Select a range of faces
Click on a face
, then
Hold Ctrl, then
click on a face in the desired direction☝️
Grow/shrink selection
Select some vertices/edges/faces
, then
hold Control, then
( Num + or Num - )☝️
Grow selection to specific direction
Select vertex/edge/face
, then
hold Shift, then
click on neighboring vertex/edge/face, then
hold Shift + Ctrl, then
( Num + or Num - )☝️
Select contour
Hold Alt
, then
click on an vertex/edge☝️
Hide selected
Select something
, then
Hide unselected
Select something
, then
Shift + H☝️
Un-hide all
Alt + H
Toggle the isolation mode
Num /
Duplicate selected making a copy
Select something
, then
Shift + D☝️
Duplicate selected making an instance
Select something
, then
Alt + D☝️
Delete selected
Select something
, then
Mirror selected
Select something
, then
Ctrl + M, then
( X or Y or Z )☝️
Toggle object properties
Select something
, then
Change transformation point
Select object
, then
hold ., then
press a corresponding digit on a numpad☝️
Join meshes together
Select two or more meshes
, then
Ctrl + J☝️
Rotate camera view
Select the camera, switch to camera view
, then
R, then
Wheel, then
move mouse☝️
Add subdivision modifier
Ctrl + 2
Parent one object with another
Select object that will follow
, then
select object that will lead, then
Ctrl + P☝️
Apply transformations
Ctrl + A
Link materials
Select objects
, then
select the object which material will be linked, then
Ctrl + L, then
choose "Link Materials"☝️
Move selected to the grid center
Select something
, then
Alt + G☝️
Move selected to some place of another object
Select object / face / edge / vertex
, then
G, then
B, then
click on a specific part of an object to be moved, then
click on a specific part of an object to move to☝️
Set transformation point to median point
, then
., then
Set transformation point to individual origins
, then
., then
2Edit mode
Switch between vertices, edges and faces
, then
( 1 or 2 or 3 )☝️
Create an edge between two vertices
Select two vertices
, then
Select edges or faces
, then
E, then
move the mouse, then
Extrude along normals
Select edges or faces
, then
Alt + E, then
select "Extrude Faces Along Normals", then
move the mouse, then
Extrude along axis
Select edges or faces
, then
E, then
( X or Y or Z ), then
move the mouse, then
Extrude ring of faces
Select ring of faces
, then
E, then
Add bevel to edges and clamp overlaps
Select some edges or faces
, then
Ctrl + B, then
scroll Wheel, then
C, then
Add bevel to vertices
Select some vertices
, then
Ctrl + Shift + B, then
scroll Wheel, then
Inset faces
Select faces
, then
I, then
move mouse Wheel, then
Inset faces independently
Select faces
, then
I x2 times
, then
move mouse Wheel, then
Add a loop cut
Optionally select something
, then
Ctrl + R, then
move mouse to find location, then
scroll Wheel, then
move mouse to adjust position, then
Cut with knife tool
, then
K, then
click around to create some edges, then
Cut with knife tool along certain local axis
, then
K, then
( X or Y or Z ), then
click around to create some edges, then
Cut through with knife tool
Toggle orthographic view
, then
K, then
C, then
click around to create some edges, then
Subdivide faces
Select faces
, then
Ctrl + E, then
pick "Subdivide"☝️
Move vertices/edges along face
Select vertices or edges
, then
G x2 times
, then
move the mouse, then
Toggle x-ray mode of edit mode
Press Alt + Z
Merge overlapping vertices and edges
Select everything
, then
M, then
choose "By Distance"☝️
Remove unnecessary edges
Select all vertices
, then
X, then
choose "Limited dissolve"☝️
Dissolve vertices/edges
Select vertices or edges
, then
Ctrl + X☝️
Create a filling face between vertices/edges
Select edges (a contour) or vertices
, then
Connect two vertices
Select two vertices
, then
press F☝️
Grid fill
Select edges (a contour)
, then
Ctrl + F, then
select "Grid fill"☝️
Separate meshes
Select faces
, then
P, then
pick one of the options☝️
Mark edges sharp/smooth
Select edges
, then
RMB, then
pick "Mark Sharp" or "Clear sharp"☝️
Toggle snapping
Press Shift + Tab
Separate selected from mesh
Select faces
, then
Triangulate selected
Select faces
, then
Ctrl + T☝️
Quad selected
Select faces
, then
Alt + JOrigin point
Manipulate origin point
Press Ctrl + .
Place origin point right between two vertices
Toggle the origin point manipulation mode
, then
toggle snapping to vertices, then
move origin to the first vertex by pressing G, then
press A, then
move the mouse over the second vertex, then
press EnterCurves
Apply vertex tilt
Select vertices
, then
Ctrl + T, then
type a value or move the mouse☝️
Scale vertices
Select vertices
, then
Alt + S, then
type a value or move the mouseMiscellaneous
Add a new object
Press Shift + A
See "upon creation" properties of an object
Select an object
, then
Recalculate normals
Select all faces
, then
Shift + N☝️
Recalculate and flip normals
Select all faces
, then
Shift + Ctrl + N☝️
Find an action by name
Press F3
Display favourite actions
Press Q
Rename object
Select an object
, then
Repeat last action
Shift + R
Copy modifiers
Select object to copy to
, then
select object to copy FROM, holding Shift, then
Ctrl + L, then
choose "Copy modifiers"☝️
Cycle selection type
Press W
Toggle full screen mode
Press Ctrl + Space
Zoom in to an area
Press Shift + B
, then
select a frame☝️
Toggle viewport overlays
Press Shift + Alt + Z
Open image viewer
Press F11
Open eyedropper
Hover over a button
, then
Press EMove / rotate/ scale
Move / rotate / scale selected
Select something
, then
( G or R or S )☝️
Move / rotate / scale selected along a global axis
Select something
, then
( G or R or S ), then
( X or Y or Z )☝️
Move / rotate / scale selected along a certain local axis
Select something
, then
( G or R or S ), then
( X or Y or Z ) x2 times
Move / rotate / scale selected by a certain value
Select something
, then
( G or R or S ), then
Move / rotate / scale selected by a certain value along a certain global axis
Select something
, then
( G or R or S ), then
( X or Y or Z ), then
Move / rotate / scale selected within XY plane
Select something
, then
( G or R or S ), then
Shift + Z☝️
Move / rotate / scale selected within YZ plane
Select something
, then
( G or R or S ), then
Shift + X☝️
Move / rotate / scale selected within XZ plane
Select something
, then
( G or R or S ), then
Shift + Y☝️
Move / rotate / scale selected discretely
Select something
, then
( G or R or S ), then
hold Ctrl, then
move mouse☝️
Move selected on a short distance
Select something
, then
G, then
( ← or → or ↑ or ↓ )☝️
Scale along normals
Select faces
, then
Alt + S, then
move mouse, then
Rotate in trackable mode
Select something
, then
R x2 times
, then
move mouse☝️
Flip selected
Select something
, then
S, then
( X or Y or Z ), then
Move / rotate / scale with snapping
Select something
, then
( G or R or S ), then
hold Ctrl, then
do changesNavigation
Orbit around selection
Hold Wheel
, then
move mouse☝️
Zoom in/out
Rotate Wheel
Smoothly zoom in/out
Hold Ctrl
, then
hold Wheel, then
move mouse☝️
Hold Shift
, then
hold Wheel, then
move mouse3D cursor
Move the 3D cursor to an arbitrary point of a mesh
Hold Shift
, then
Move selected to 3D cursor
Select something
, then
Shift + S, then
Move 3D cursor to selected
Select something
, then
Shift + S, then
2Proportional editing mode
Toggle proportional mode
Press O
Change the radius of the proportional mode
Mouse wheel
UV editing
Call the unwrap context menu
Select faces
, then
Mark edges as seam
Select edges
, then
Ctrl + E, then
select "Mark seam"☝️
Clear edges as seam
Select edges
, then
Ctrl + E, then
select "Clear seam"Collections
Add an object to a (new) collection
Select an object
, then
Hide collection
Press Ctrl + H
Toggle collections by numbers
Press ( Num 1 or Num 2 or ... )
Change brush size
, then
move the mouse left or right☝️
Change brush strength
Shift + F
, then
move the mouse left or right☝️
Switch colors
Press X
Select the inflate/deflate brush
Select the grab brush
Select the mask tool
Invert a mask
Ctrl + I
Change voxel size
Press R
Press Ctrl + R
Texture paint
Move stencil brush
Press RMB
, then
move mouse☝️
Rotate stencil brush
Hold Ctrl + RMB
, then
move mouse☝️
Scale stencil brush
Hold Shift + RMB
, then
move mouse☝️
Save image
Move mouse over the image viewer
, then
Alt + S☝️
Reload image from disk
Move mouse over the image viewer
, then
Alt + RNodes
Preview node
Hold Ctrl + Shift
, then
click LMB☝️
Break connection between nodes
Hold Ctrl + RMB
, then
move across the connection☝️
Add point on connection between nodes
Hold Shift + RMB
, then
move across the connection☝️
Remove point on connection between nodes
Select a point
, then
Ctrl + X☝️
Disable node
Select node
, then
Plug node output to other node input
Select two nodes
, then
Add group frame
Select nodes
, then
Shift + P☝️
Create node group
Select nodes
, then
Ctrl + GShading nodes
Add 4 Texture nodes and Texture Coordinate & Mapping nodes (Node wrangler)
Select a node that has vector input
, then
Ctrl + Shift + T, then
select textures from the dialog☝️
Add Texture Coordinate & Mapping nodes (Node wrangler)
Select a node that has vector input
, then
Ctrl + T☝️
Call Node Wrangler menu
Press Ctrl + W
Add color mix of two nodes
Select one node
, then
hold Ctrl + Shift + RMB, then
move the mouse over the second node, then
release mouse☝️
Add math "add" of two nodes
Select two nodes
, then
press Ctrl + Shift + Num +☝️
Add math "subtract" of two nodes
Select two nodes
, then
press Ctrl + Shift + Num -Camera
Switch active camera mode
Press Num 0
Set camera as active
Select camera
, then
Ctrl + Num 0☝️
Switch active camera to fly mode
Shift + ~
Navigate in fly mode
Press ( W or A or S or D or Q or E )
Change step size in fly mode
Move camera to current view
Select camera
, then
Ctrl + Alt + Num 0Compositing
Center the node view
Press Home
Add Viewer node
Render scene
, then
go to compositing, then
Ctrl + Shift, then
click on Render Layers node☝️
Zoom out preview
Press V
Zoom in preview
Press Alt + V
Insert key
Press I
, then
select type of key☝️
Navigate to beginning
Press Shift + ←
Navigate to end
Press Shift + →
Start / pause animation
Press Space
Press F12
Select region for partial render
Navigate to camera view
, then
Ctrl + B, then
select a region☝️
Clear region for partial render
Press Ctrl + Alt + B